ECE continues to be the favorite...This year eamcet admissions 1, 60,277 engineering seats, 15,032 pharmacy seats available this year. 161 new engineering colleges, 27 pharmacy colleges get permission. The number of seats available in each category were:- 65,740 (Open), 9,203 (BC-A), 13,148 (BC-B), 1,314 (BC-C), 9,203 (BC-D), 5,269 (BC-E), 19,723 (SC) and 7,889 (ST). Officials said the ratio of candidates in BC (B) and BC (D) was 1:2 while it was 1:1 for all other categories. All the students admitted would be given scratch cards containing a password using which they can log onto the website (to be announced later) and change their options of colleges and courses as per the availability. More than 100 options would be given to students if they wish to change their earlier preferred choice. This year CSE seats increased by 10,770 taking the total to 42,214 while the ECE seats increased by 10,560 taking the total to 42,344 seats. Similarly, EEE seats increased by 7,230 seats taking the total to 25,909 while seats in IT stream increased by 10,575 taking the total to 31,345 seats. There was a drop in Mechanical Engineering seats by 210 and now 8,590 seats were available while Chemical Engineering also saw reduction of 15 seats with the total now being 950 seats. However, seats in Civil Engineering increased by 660 taking the total to 3,470 seats. There was an increase of 180 seats in the Aeronautical Engineering stream with the total now being 690 seats. Pharmacy seats also increased by 1,737 seats. Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) was the hot favorite of students on the first day of the engineering and pharmacy counseling that began on Wednesday in eight centers across the State. The top ranker to appear for counseling was Mohd. Ali Mirza at the Warangal centre and he chose ECE stream in Osmania University College of Engineering (OUCE). At the Hyderabad centre 9th ranker Aamani was the first to attend and she chose ECE stream in JNTU Hyderabad campus. The first one to deviate from ECE was 44th ranker Divya Bharadwaj who preferred Computer Science Engineering in OUCE. The first day of the online EAMCET counseling for admission into various engineering colleges passed off peacefully barring a protest by activists owing allegiance to the Students Federation of India (SFI) seeking withdrawal of the hike in fee. Interestingly, all the top three rankers who took admission from Visakhapatnam centre opted for the ECE branch.